Anime Review: Needless

Needless Overview: Needless is a bit of a parody action anime taking place in the future of 2130. World War 3 has concluded, and the fallout has had a huge effect on Japan (mainly Tokyo). Places that have been rendered contaminated by war are called Dark Spots, and becomes a domain for bandits and outcasts. Some people, as a result of the contamination, get powers and become Needless. The story follows behind Cruz, a normal kid, and Blade, a powerful Needless. Characters: Over the course of the episodes, we continually get introduced to new characters. Some are friends that join our journey, and others are powerful enemies we are to face in the future. There is some lacking development in characters, namely the ones that come in later in the series. As far as interesting personalities, I enjoyed Teruyama and Solva. As far as design and personality, these two stuck out while others were somewhat grating or just tiring to see. Cruz shifts between useless and the key to victory far too of...